How You Can Help New Glarus

New Glarus, with its rich heritage and close-knit community, is a place where helping each other is second nature. Whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the area, there are numerous ways you can contribute to the well-being and growth of our beloved town. At New Glarus Cares, we believe that every act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. Here’s how you can help the New Glarus community thrive.

1. Donate to Local Causes

One of the most direct ways to support the New Glarus community is through charitable donations. Financial contributions help fund essential programs, community projects, and local non-profits that work tirelessly to improve the lives of residents. Whether it’s a small monthly donation or a one-time gift, your support can make a real difference.

Key Donation Opportunities:

- Memorial Donations: Honor a loved one by contributing to causes that matter most to them. Memorial donations in New Glarus can support a variety of local projects, from enhancing public spaces to funding educational programs.

- Corporate and Business Donations: Local businesses can play a crucial role in community development through corporate and business donations in New Glarus. Partnering with New Glarus Cares not only supports the community but also enhances your company’s local presence.

- In-Kind Donations: Not all donations have to be financial. Consider donating goods, services, or even your time. In-kind donations are a valuable resource for many local initiatives.

2. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved and make a tangible impact. Whether you have a few hours to spare each week or can commit to a longer-term project, your efforts are greatly appreciated. From helping out at local events to assisting with community clean-up projects, there are plenty of opportunities to lend a hand.

Volunteer Opportunities:

- Community Events: Many of the events that make New Glarus special rely on volunteers. From the New Glarus Oktoberfest to the Wilhelm Tell Festival and the World Euchre Championship, there are many ways you can chip in. Whether it’s setting up, coordinating activities, or helping with clean-up, your contribution can help ensure these events run smoothly.

- Support Local Non-Profits: Organizations like New Glarus Cares often need volunteers to assist with day-to-day operations, fundraising, and outreach efforts. Your skills and enthusiasm can help these groups achieve their goals.

3. Participate in Fundraising Events

New Glarus is known for its vibrant community events, many of which double as fundraisers for local causes. By attending or supporting these events, you’re contributing to the community’s success while also enjoying everything our town has to offer. From charity galas to fun runs, there’s an event for everyone.

4. Support Local Businesses

Local businesses are the backbone of the New Glarus economy. By shopping locally, you’re not only getting unique products and services, but you’re also helping to sustain jobs and contribute to the local economy. Many businesses in New Glarus also participate in community sponsorships and donations, so your support can have a ripple effect throughout the town.

How to Shop Local:

- Shop Local: From the wonderful shops in New Glarus to the New Glarus Farmers Market to local craft fairs, there are plenty of opportunities to support local vendors and artisans.

- Dine at Local Restaurants: Enjoy a meal at one of New Glarus’ many restaurants. Many of them give back to the community through donations and sponsorships.

5. Spread the Word

One of the easiest ways to help New Glarus is by spreading the word about local initiatives and events. Share information on social media, talk to your friends and family, and encourage others to get involved. The more people who know about the great work being done in our community, the more support we can garner.

Ways to Share:

- Social Media: Follow New Glarus Cares on social media and share our posts with your network. A simple share or like can increase visibility and help us reach more people.

- Word of Mouth: Sometimes, the best way to spread information is through a conversation. Tell your neighbors, coworkers, and friends about upcoming events and ways they can get involved.

6. Consider Planned Giving

For those who want to leave a lasting legacy, planned giving is an excellent option. By including New Glarus Cares in your estate planning, you can ensure that your support for the community continues for years to come. Planned gifts can take many forms, from bequests to charitable trusts, and can be tailored to fit your financial situation and philanthropic goals.

Benefits of Planned Giving:

- Sustained Impact: Your gift will continue to support the community long after you’re gone, making a lasting difference in New Glarus.

- Tax Benefits: Planned giving can also offer significant tax benefits, making it a smart financial choice as well as a philanthropic one.


Helping the New Glarus community doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Whether through donations, volunteering, or simply supporting local businesses, there are countless ways to make a positive impact. At New Glarus Cares, we’re dedicated to fostering a strong, vibrant community, and with your help, we can continue to make New Glarus a wonderful place to live, work, and visit.

For more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website or contact us directly. Together, we can make a difference!


Volunteering Remotely with New Glarus Cares


New Glarus Alumni Giving