Our Story

Creating a brighter future for New Glarus.

 Who We Are

Welcome to New Glarus Cares, where community spirit meets action. We are a passionate group of residents, business leaders, and volunteers who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in New Glarus, Wisconsin. Our mission is to bring people together to create a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving community through a variety of impactful projects and initiatives.

What We Do

New Glarus Cares is more than just a community foundation; we are a catalyst for change. We focus on projects that make New Glarus a better place to live, work, and play. From building inclusive playgrounds and improving public spaces to supporting local education and health initiatives, our work is guided by the needs and dreams of our community members.

Our Vision

At New Glarus Cares, we envision a community where every person has the opportunity to thrive. We believe that by working together, we can create a place where everyone feels connected, supported, and empowered to contribute to the greater good. Our vision is a New Glarus where the past is honored, the present is enriched, and the future is bright for generations to come.


“New Glarus Cares is committed to enhancing the overall well-being of our community. We do this by creating, revitalizing, and investing in community assets, fostering civic engagement, and strengthening community bonds. Our goal is to create lasting, visible improvements and ensure a sustainable legacy for generations to come.”

Our Emphasis

  • Community Enhancement:
    Revitalizing neighborhoods, parks, playgrounds, and enhancing public spaces.

  • Civic Engagement:
    Promoting volunteerism, leadership training, community organizing, and fostering a sense of community through events and forums.

  • Arts and Culture:
    Supporting local arts initiatives, museums, theaters, cultural festivals, and public art installations.

  • Environmental Conservation:
    Initiatives focused on preserving natural resources, promoting sustainability, and supporting green spaces and wildlife habitats.

  • Historical Preservation:
    Projects aimed at preserving local history, restoring historic buildings, and promoting cultural heritage.

Our Values

  • Community First:
    We believe that the strength of our community lies in our collective effort and shared commitment to each other.

  • Collaboration:
    We believe in working together with our community to achieve shared goals and create lasting positive change.

  • Sustainability:
    We are committed to projects that not only benefit the present but also secure a prosperous future for New Glarus.

  • Integrity:
    We conduct our work with transparency, honesty, and a deep sense of responsibility to our community.

Our History

New Glarus Cares was founded in 2022 when a 2.2-acre parcel of land near Candy Cane Park in New Glarus was at risk of being sold to developers. Recognizing the importance of preserving this greenspace, which had long served as an extension of the park and a cherished area for local families, a group of concerned community members came together to form New Glarus Cares. The organization was established with the goal of raising funds to purchase the land and gift it to the people of New Glarus, ensuring that future generations would continue to enjoy the natural beauty and recreational opportunities it offered.

Shortly after its inception, New Glarus Cares became a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, laying the groundwork for ongoing community-driven initiatives. The foundation quickly gained momentum, thanks to the dedication of its members and the support of the local community. Early on, the organization adopted a simple yet meaningful logo featuring a penguin. This symbol, chosen for its representation of community, resilience, and cooperation, embodied the values that New Glarus Cares sought to promote through its efforts.

One of the first major successes of New Glarus Cares was the preservation of the greenspace adjacent to Candy Cane Park. By securing the land, the organization not only prevented development but also enhanced the neighborhood's appeal and ensured that the area would remain a place for outdoor recreation. This achievement demonstrated the foundation's commitment to stewardship and its ability to rally the community around a common cause. The land purchase marked a significant milestone for New Glarus Cares, reflecting its dedication to creating a healthier, more enjoyable environment for all residents.

As the organization grew, so did its ambitions. One of its most notable projects has been the effort to fund and construct a new inclusive playground at Candy Cane Park. This playground, designed to be accessible to children of all abilities, represents a significant step towards fostering inclusivity and accessibility within the community. Through various fundraising campaigns and events, New Glarus Cares has made substantial progress toward realizing this vision. The project has garnered widespread support from local businesses, residents, and organizations, showcasing the community's commitment to creating a space where all children can play and thrive.

In addition to local fundraising, New Glarus Cares has expanded its reach through initiatives like the World Euchre Championship tournament. This annual event not only raises significant funds for the foundation but also brings visitors from outside the community, boosting local businesses and tourism. The tournament has become a key part of the foundation’s fundraising strategy, attracting participants from across the region and highlighting the unique charm of New Glarus. By diversifying its fundraising efforts and engaging both local and regional supporters, New Glarus Cares continues to build a strong foundation for future projects, ensuring its long-term impact on the community.

How to Get Involved

We are always looking for like-minded individuals and businesses to join us in our mission. Whether you’re interested in volunteering, donating, or simply learning more about what we do, we welcome you to become part of our New Glarus Cares family.

P.O. Box 458
New Glarus, WI 53574
Phone: (608) 205-8715
Email: info@newglaruscares.org

Together, we can build a stronger, more connected, and more vibrant New Glarus. Thank you for being part of our journey.


Let’s build a brighter future for everyone in our community.