
Stay connected with New Glarus Cares.

Our newsletter is your go-to source for all things happening within New Glarus Cares and our vibrant community. Each edition is packed with updates on our latest projects, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and stories that highlight the impact we're making together. Whether you're a long-time supporter or new to our community, our newsletters ensure you stay informed and engaged with our work.


What You'll Find:

  • Important Announcements:

    Stay updated on key developments, such as new partnerships, grant opportunities, and other important news affecting New Glarus Cares.

  • Project Updates:

    Get the inside scoop on the progress of our ongoing initiatives and learn about new projects that are in the works.

  • Fundraising Achievements:

    Stay informed on the status of our fundraising efforts, including updates on our progress toward meeting goals and how your contributions are making a difference.

  • Event Announcements:

    Be the first to know about upcoming events, workshops, and community gatherings. Mark your calendar and join us in making a difference.

  • Volunteer Opportunities:

    Discover ways to get involved, from one-time events to ongoing volunteer roles that match your interests and skills.

  • Community Stories:

    Read inspiring stories from our members, volunteers, and beneficiaries that showcase the impact of New Glarus Cares on our community.

  • Donor Spotlights:

    We highlight the generous contributions of our donors and corporate partners, whose support helps us achieve our mission.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Don’t miss out on the latest news and updates from New Glarus Cares. Subscribe to our newsletter by filling out the form on this page and have it delivered straight to your inbox or email us at It’s the best way to stay connected with our community efforts and find out how you can contribute to our mission.

Newsletter Archive

Explore our archive of past newsletters to catch up on what you’ve missed. Each edition offers a snapshot of our journey, highlighting the milestones and moments that have shaped New Glarus Cares.

Share Your Story

Do you have a story to share about how New Glarus Cares has impacted you or the community? We’d love to feature it in an upcoming newsletter. Your experiences and insights help inspire others to get involved and support our cause. Just email us at

Thank you for staying connected with New Glarus Cares. Together, we can continue to build a stronger, more vibrant community.